Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Chapter 6 Notes

My Reflection

     I think it would've been a lot more exhilarating if Of Mice and Men ended with Curley and his goons going out to hunt and kill Lennie, and George brought his own allies and they sorted it out (fought until death)! My extreme imagination leads me to believe that that ending would leave all of us in amazement. 

My Question

      Why did Steinbeck end the story with Carlson asking Curley what he thinks is eating at George and Slim ? I feel that a different ending could have been established.

My Prediction (After finishing the book)

     Predictions are difficult to make after reading a book. However, I think that having to deal with the guilt of killing his best friend, George will have a tough time getting over it. Eventually, George will get over it, leave the ranch in Salinas Valley, find a new job, and maybe even find a girlfriend.

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